(un)Becoming Her

Women’s Circles, Events & Workshops

For Wild Hearted Women, Mothers & Creatives

Upcoming Circles 

Mother’s Circles, Pregnancy Circles, and Circles for Creatives, as well as a new intake for Women’s Wisdom Circles are all on their way!

All circles will be virtual (yes!!) but will have limited capacity to maintain the intimacy of the space.

Add your name to the waitlist to be the first to be notified of when they launch

  • Your feminine power is already yours

    Maybe you just need a moment to remember.

    Maybe this is the moment.

In an (un)Becoming Her Women’s Circle, we cut the bullshit and get to the heart of things

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of polite small talk or feeling awkward amongst a group of women because I don’t know how to be. I’m tired of watering myself and my passions down because I feel insecure about being ‘too much’ or ‘too intense’ or too whatever. I just want to be myself and I want to feel ALIVE. I want genuine feedback and solidarity and I want to be around a group of women that feel like sisters. I genuinely feel most lit up when I’m involved in real, genuine, vulnerable conversation and I know other women feel the same.

That is where the connection happens.

That is where the magic happens.

Each (un)Becoming Her circle has been lovingly crafted by me and holds space for women of all walks of life, diving deep into a variety of interests, life-stages, and pursuits that are close to my heart.

Whether you’re a mother, a creative that wants to be inspired and held by others on the same journey, an entrepreneur, or a woman that wants to learn more about astrology, your menstrual cycle and the moon, there is a circle and a space for you.

As women, we are on a continuous journey of transformation.

Or at least, we’re meant to be.

As we move through the different seasons of our lives, we’re supposed to change our minds. We’re supposed to birth new ideas, projects and endeavours. Maybe these are families, maybe these are businesses and maybe they’re they’re both. We are visionaries, always in the process of birthing, nurturing and then releasing that which no longer serves us anymore, and starting again. There is no beginning, and there is no end, only, a process of continuous unfolding. This is the embodiment of the feminine.

But we live in a world that doesn’t recognise or value this process, and so we find ourselves a generation of sick, depleted, burnt-out women. Trying to make it in a man’s world, we’re running around in a multitude of different directions, completely disconnected from our bodies, our intuition, and ourselves.

We can do it all, and so we do.

But what if there was a different way? What if there was a way to return back to how we actually want to be showing up, and to honour that? What if we could start by reclaiming our power, on our terms?

To reclaim our feminine power, is to say no, and to choose to live a life of creative alignment.

To reclaim our feminine power, is to give voice to the silenced calls within us that ‘don’t make any sense’ but won’t stop haunting us to pay attention.

To reclaim our feminine power, is to take a risk, and to just start the thing.

To reclaim our feminine power, is to stop talking about change, and start becoming the change we wish to see in the world.

Are you ready?