Why keep yourself small?

Give me an inspired, multi-faceted, contradictory woman any day,

and watch her set the world on fire

Combining psychology, creativity, ancient feminine-wisdom, entrepreneurship, motherhood, & community into one big ol’ mix

Because we’re no longer dimming our light around here.

Hello I’m Kayleigh

Mother, Psychology PhD drop-out, artist, writer, & owner of (un)Becoming Her & Kayleigh Creates

I have a Masters in Psychology, a background in creative writing, art & design, a freelance hair & makeup business, a two year-old toddler, and a burning passion for ancient women’s knowledge & practices.

I’m here to remind women that they don’t need to play it small to be more easily understood & digestible. I’m here to remind women that actually, what the world needs, is for us to take up MORE space with more of our chaos, contradictions and complexity.

We already know what interests us, what lights our souls on fire, we’ve just been told that it’s wrong to take a risk on something that sounds wild to others, to change our minds about something we started, or that we should just pick one thing and build our entire lives around it.

But we don’t actually believe any of this.

I'm here to remind you that you can change your mind, you can start the thing without knowing where it’s all going to go, and you can work with the cycles, phases and rhythms of womanhood and of the earth.

I merge my passions for historical feminine wisdom, creativity, magic, and psychology, with modern-day womanhood, motherhood, and creative business, to help women realise that they don’t need to limit themselves either. You can do “x” AND be “y” and you don’t need to shame or repress parts of yourself to be more easily digestible for the world.

Do the thing

Join a Women’s Circle

If you’re like me and fancy yourself as a bit of a reader, subscribe to my substack where I share my intellectual musings, creative poetry, and rants on motherhood, womanhood & social norms

If you’re here for hair & makeup, I’ve still got you

I am doing a super select amount of bookings, so to enquire please email me at kayleighcreates@outlook.co.nz

Plus, I have some very exciting education and tutorials coming for both everyday women and industry professionals!

Find me on Instagram!